Who We Are
Nancy Watt and her Associates are a group of ambitious professionals who research and collaborate to deliver the best writing content, training programs and speaking engagements anywhere.
Please read our testimonials.
Nancy Watt
Nancy Watt is a sought after speaker, writer and improviser. A graduate of Second City’s Improv Conservatory and Sketch Writing Programs, this consummate professional delivers dynamic workshops on communications and creativity in unconventional environments.
Rated in the top five of the Leadership Workshops at the International Microsoft World Partner Conference and a regular at Huffington Post’s team building events, Nancy delivers powerfully creative and memorable sessions. She delivers her energy, talent and humour to the corporate, education and healthcare sectors. Her work is referenced in academic papers for pedagogical experiential learning.
Nancy Watt & Associates, Compadres and Collaborators
Shann McGrail
Shann McGrail, Kim Beaune & Nancy Watt make up WORKING IMPROV. Shann is a veteran of the technology industry. Most recently she was the Director of Microsoft’s Canadian Education Segment. Previous roles at Microsoft include a variety of sales, professional services management, and operational positions.
A strong desire to find a new creative outlet led Shann to improv. She has been studying the art of being in the moment, spontaneity, creativity, and applying those principles to her leadership style and interactions with customers and colleagues. Shann can be found performing at various venues in Oakville, Ontario.
Kimberly Beaune
A Partner with WORKING IMPROV, Kimberly is an accomplished Events Industry professional with over 20 years of experience in event sales, design and senior management.
Working primarily in sales, people are surprised to learn that she is a very shy person. Her trick? Improv! Discovering improv workshops and eventually performing in improv shows gave her confidence. It enhanced her ability to think on her feet, solve problems on the fly, and actively listen. It also taught her the value and power of saying “Yes!” It gave her the courage to take the leap and start her own event firm Creative Twist Inc. and partner with Nancy & Shann to launch Working Improv. For Kimberly, improv remains a way of life at work and at play.
Carolyn Sealfon
Carolyn Sealfon has collaborated with Nancy Watt to deliver unique and powerful workshops applying improv to improve STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) teaching and learning.
She earned her PhD in astrophysics at the University of Pennsylvania and her BA in physics from Cornell University. Additionally, she is an alumna of the Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center and a qigong instructor certified by the Wuwei Taichi School. As the only woman physics professor at a Pennsylvania public university, she assimilated physics education research while teaching and advising undergraduates. She was Princeton University’s first Associate Director of Science Education, where she consulted for faculty on courses to meaningfully engage all undergraduates in science and engineering.
Carolyn is a collaborative learner and educator who seeks to empower diverse demographics to enjoy learning and applying STEM thinking in their daily lives.
Harrison Wheeler
Harrison is an accomplished comedian, improviser and cartoonist. He designs powerful visual content for organizations to communicate a consistent message of support, optimism and wellness in stressful environments. In addition, he delivers workshops for wellness in the workplace to reframe counter-progressive ideas surrounding mental illness. As an award-winning artist, it is his privilege to share his transformative journey through Bipolar and active addiction.
A sought after speaker in healthcare and education, Harrison brings his powerful voice of humour and authenticity to his work.
Mandy Dorans
Mandy is a dynamic presenter with extensive experience leading healthcare and wellness training seminars, conference workshops, key stakeholder presentations and one-on-one coaching sessions. She is an exceptional communicator with professional and effective listening, articulating and writing skills. A certified Coach who teaches mindfulness practises, Mandy’s passion is about learning everything about the mind/body connection.
She’s a strong relationship builder with a creative, charismatic and interactive approach. She can intuitively and strategically liaise between internal and external interest groups while proactively problem solve and reach consensus in a group. A favourite for facilitation work.
Please contact us to understand how our work applies to your organization or event.