Where We Do It

Offering a dynamic, experiential learning opportunity, Nancy Watt takes a deep dive into the research and gives participants the most important and salient points in each of the seventeen components that make up the validated AQ Assessment. Using the tools and techniques of Applied Improvisation, she delivers seventeen improv exercises that facilitators can use to elucidate and experience the A.C.E. Model of AQ.
Improv is powerfully and uniquely well suited to train for adaptability, and as pedagogical research reveals, humans learn best when they are having fun and laughing together. AQ Foundation Practitioners will also adopt the skills of the improviser, giving them the necessary mental agility to navigate interesting and challenging facilitation.
Congratulations on becoming an AQ Foundation Practitioner.
Now the work (and the fun) starts. 😊
We have heard the statistics and feel the pace of change sweeping every facet of society. As newly minted AQ Foundation Practitioners, we have a special role and responsibility to help individuals, teams and organizations cultivate this critical skill.

Known as a ‘Pracademic’, Nancy is a highly skilled speaker, facilitator and communications specialist. A graduate of Second City Toronto and Chicago Conservatory Improv and Comedy Sketch Writing, she is also a Practitioner of Positive Psychology, an Applied Improvisation Practitioner and a graduate of the first cohort of the AQ Foundation Practitioner Course. She is a Graduate of Cornell University’s Diversity & Inclusion Executive Program and consults with companies to deliver measured and experiential learning.
Her work takes her to all sectors - healthcare, education, government and business. She has presented at many corporate leadership conferences, medical schools, Harvard Engineering, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, Rutgers Engineers Without Borders and University of Toronto in multiple departments. She is rated in the Top Five Leadership Workshops at the Microsoft global conference four years running and delivers the Diversity and Inclusion training workshops to all STEM fields.
She believes the work of AQ.ai to be a monster and will largely lead the way in training and development programs over the next decade. As such, she is committed to making sure the AQ Foundation Practitioners are armed with as much information and Adaptable Facilitation skills, as necessary.

Improv in Business
Nancy writes, speaks and delivers training for corporate clients.
Mental agility, dealing with unpredictable situations, adapting to change, listening deeply and communicating effectively. Just a few of the critical 21st century workplace skills that are gained through improv training. The bonus: one ton of laughter and team cohesion built along the way.
NWC collaborates with the best improvisers and communicators to disseminate evidence-based research from the fields of Behavioral Psychology, Positive Psychology, Organizational Theory and Behavior Economics
We improve participants’ management skills to help them thrive in dynamic and sometimes chaotic business environments. We tap their intuitive judgment, leverage all resources available to them, and watch them act decisively in the moment. Empathy, resiliency, leadership and followership skills build a formidable team. We know how that's done.
Improv in Healthcare
Improv workshops delivered at the inpatient psychiatric facility, St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton. Womankind an inpatient addiction treatment center and MASH, Men’s Addiction Service Hamilton also receive communication and creativity improv workshops.
St. Joseph’s Youth Wellness Center has agreed to funding a proper study using improv as a wellness marker for clients. Tests pre and post a 12-week Drop In Improv Workshop Series will include the Depression Score, Social Anxiety Score and Self Esteem score. A conference paper will be written and delivered to healthcare sector conferences late 2017.
Improv in the Neighbourhood
LAUGH LINES – Improv for Seniors
HOLY IMPROV – Improv for Clergy
Please contact us to understand how our work applies to your organization or event.